Monday, January 24, 2011


I enjoy watching the boys enjoy watching Curious George.
It's cool to watch them build a relationship too.

Yesterday when I brought Darren into the room after he got up from his nap,
he looked at Grant and smiled and said, "Hi Dant!"
And today I gave Grant a cookie and one to take to Darren.
I followed to be sure the cookie was delivered - and it was!!
Grant went straight to Darren and gave him his cookie.
Darren said, "Tanks, Dant! Tanks, Dant!" with such sincerity.
 Grant replied, "Welcome" as he munched away.

Here's Ma's Helper! What would I do without Gracie!!
She's my right hand and such a willing worker.
She checks on the boys when it gets too quiet
(like when they're found sitting on my bed
pulling all the tissues out of the box)
and entertains, corrals, distracts, and referees.
She's gonna be an awesome mom someday.
She's already awesome - and amazing!

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