Wednesday, January 26, 2011


60 nails are clipped.  Two poopy diapers for each boy changed today.
Three little bodies pampered and soaked in bubble bath.
Meals and snacks.  Games and ref calls over toy fights.
Tickle parties and story books.
A small voice calling "Ma" and little arms circling my neck
after a bad dream in the middle of the night.
More snow today?  We really haven't had enough already??
I have three rambunctious kids who can only longingly gaze
through the window at the play equipment in the back yard.
We made the most of a dry and warmer day on Monday.

Outside Fun

What child labor laws???

Gracie wants a pair of high heel shoes.
Momma says her legs and ankles have to be strong to wear them
so when Gracie can walk/jog for 2 miles she can get a pair.
The blur in the picture is Gracie In Training! She ran around and around
and back and forth for nearly a mile! Those high heels may be
coming sooner than you think, Momma!

Love and kisses to all!!!!!

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