Sunday, January 30, 2011


    He's our Mr. Manners. Count on him to say "Tank you" if you give him something. "Tank you, Dant!" "Tank you, Dacie!" "Tank you, Ma!" Always with such enthusiasm and sincere appreciation. And sometimes many times.
   As we went up and down the aisles at church collecting the children's offering, he smiled and said, "I'm Da-wen. I'm Da-wen!" over and over again. When we go around the neighborhood, he smiles and waves and says, "HI!" to the neighbors, whether they see or hear him or not. Have some wipes close by when you go outside. He does Not like to get dirt on his hands. He likes to play, but wants the dirt off his hands right now.
   He's a car and train enthusiast. Cars in his hands first thing in the morning, cars on his tray while he's eating lunch, cars when he goes to bed at night. The only time he stops playing with cars throughout the day is to play with trains. 
   He's as smart as he can be and remembers everything, especially every detail on every Matchbox car in the house! He already does some counting and some ABC's. If you haven't started reading his favorite books when he sits down to read, he starts on his own without you, remembering the story lines almost word for word.
   He's becoming quite the monkey and climbs on the changing table, the furniture, and in and out of his playbed.  Which means he has to switch to the crib. If that won't hold him, Pa may just have to build me a corral for real!
   He's so precious and so wonderful. Surprises are always just around the corner when D's in the house. What a joy to have him this week. I wonder if I could talk Jennie into a little bit more time .....
So ticklish! And so much FUN!



What is that bright light up in the sky?!

Can't seem to keep our eyes open out here.

We are SO ready for spring!

Leaves are fun ...

when you're six years old.

Not so much when you're in your 50's.

Ever had that feeling you're being watched ???

Even just sitting is more fun outside!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


It was a beautiful day for a walk around the block - or a ride!

Tin-can stilts, a new old game


The boys were playing in the other room.  Too happy, too quiet.
Uneasiness drove me to check on them.
Here they are.              

They climbed up on the
changing table,
playing with their toothbrushes.

At least their teeth are clean...

Friday, January 28, 2011


Darren didn't want to take a nap today, again.
I was listening to his murmurings and play sounds
over the monitor then heard some curious rustlings.
I peeked in to see what was up and this is what I found:

He had climbed out of his bed
and was sitting in the middle of the big bed.
How am I ever going to corral
a nap-protesting toddler????


Grant and Darren had been on the same schedule almost perfectly - until yesterday.
Grant went down for his nap at the usual time but D didn't want to sleep ...
until it was almost time for Grant to get up.
So D fell asleep and missed an outside playtime -
sliding, swinging, racing cars down the slide, fishing ... 

Since D missed the photo op as well,
we had one just for him when we had to wake him up
so he wouldn't sleep through supper!!

And then, since Gracie felt left out, we had to have her very own photo op!

You can see why I don't want this week to end!!!


Who cares if it's 42 degrees and the fish aren't biting?
I'm Gone Fishin!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Barbie Playhouse with a card table extension - Imagination Central

There's room for more - come on in!


60 nails are clipped.  Two poopy diapers for each boy changed today.
Three little bodies pampered and soaked in bubble bath.
Meals and snacks.  Games and ref calls over toy fights.
Tickle parties and story books.
A small voice calling "Ma" and little arms circling my neck
after a bad dream in the middle of the night.
More snow today?  We really haven't had enough already??
I have three rambunctious kids who can only longingly gaze
through the window at the play equipment in the back yard.
We made the most of a dry and warmer day on Monday.

Outside Fun

What child labor laws???

Gracie wants a pair of high heel shoes.
Momma says her legs and ankles have to be strong to wear them
so when Gracie can walk/jog for 2 miles she can get a pair.
The blur in the picture is Gracie In Training! She ran around and around
and back and forth for nearly a mile! Those high heels may be
coming sooner than you think, Momma!

Love and kisses to all!!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


I enjoy watching the boys enjoy watching Curious George.
It's cool to watch them build a relationship too.

Yesterday when I brought Darren into the room after he got up from his nap,
he looked at Grant and smiled and said, "Hi Dant!"
And today I gave Grant a cookie and one to take to Darren.
I followed to be sure the cookie was delivered - and it was!!
Grant went straight to Darren and gave him his cookie.
Darren said, "Tanks, Dant! Tanks, Dant!" with such sincerity.
 Grant replied, "Welcome" as he munched away.

Here's Ma's Helper! What would I do without Gracie!!
She's my right hand and such a willing worker.
She checks on the boys when it gets too quiet
(like when they're found sitting on my bed
pulling all the tissues out of the box)
and entertains, corrals, distracts, and referees.
She's gonna be an awesome mom someday.
She's already awesome - and amazing!