Tuesday, May 15, 2012


   It's Never Dull with two 3 year-old boys in the house!  Last night, shortly after tucking the boys into their beds in the room they share, I heard talking so I poked my head into the room to tell them to go to sleep.  I found they had taken their pillows, blankets, pacies and snuffy/teddy, and cups of water to the floor.  I asked what was going on and they said "We want to camp out!"  They were both holding their flashlights and working together to get everything situated.  So I told them they could camp out if they would really sleep and not play around.  I started helping and then noticed that Grant had on just his pull-up without his pajama bottoms.  I asked if he had gone potty and he said, "Yes, but look, something's not right."  I looked at his pull-up and it seemed to be all bunched up in the front.  Then he turned around and in the glow of the flashlight I saw a bare bottom!  He turned back around and said, "See, something's not right."  When he tried to put his pull-up on, he put both legs in one leg hole so ... as he said, something's not right.  Talk about a wardrobe malfunction! 
   So we made all appropriate adjustments to the pull-up, pajama bottoms, and bedding on the floor.  Gracie decided it was a good night for a camp out after all and joined them.  Then she joined me at 4 in the morning with a sick tummy - she ate some crackers that had been produced in a facility that also processes tree nuts, apparently walnuts because this is what happens when she gets near a walnut.  She starts throwing up in the early morning hours until her stomach is completely empty, usually 4-6 times over a couple hours.  So between 4 and 5:30 she was a sick girl.  Then she and her tummy finally got some rest.  And I would have, except that happens to be when AJ woke up for her bottle.
   The *campers* took a little longer than usual to fall asleep and they woke earlier than usual.  We'll see about a camp out again tonight, if they make it through the day without being too cranky from their shortened night of sleep.  Never Dull with two 3 year-old boys in the house!

1 comment:

  1. Being a full of mischief, 3 year old is a unalienable right. Some times they even ACT LIKE aliens.
