Saturday, November 19, 2011


As I was driving home the other day, Grace and Grant were drawing pictures with tablets and markers, talking and entertaining themselves.  Grant correctly counted from 1 to 10. I pointed out to Gracie what Grant had done and he started counting again but Grace started talking so he stopped.  I asked her to hold on for a minute so we could hear him count again.  He didn't start counting so I said, "Grant, can you count from 1 to 10?"  "Yes," he said.  "1 .. 10."  Grace and I started laughing so he joined in.  Finally he said, "Siwwy me.  Siwwy me."

At 3:15 this morning, a handsome fella crawled into bed with me.
He had blond hair, blue eyes, and two cold feet that
felt like ice cubes and that he stuck right under my legs.
Hey, snuggles are rare and precious
so I'll take them anyway I can get them!

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