Thursday, June 3, 2010

AWARD-WINNING BLOGS (well, they should be!)

I don't know if there are awards for outstanding blogs but here's one that should be awarded recognition:

If you haven't visited it, go there .. now!  It's wonderful and creative and stimulating and fun!  Through Jennie, I've known Shara for a long time, she's one of my girls practically.  That could possibly present a case for bias on my part, I couldn't say for sure; but if you go to her blog I have no doubt you will be blessed and entertained!

Of course, no mother's bragging rights would be complete without a plug for her daughter's blogs:

I can see where I might be accused of bias for high praise for these two blogs of Jennie's, since I am a VERY PROUD mother; however, you'll find these blogs entertaining and educational as well if you take a moment to look through them.  I have no doubt on that part and I am just as certain you will be blessed, amused, informed and impressed by these beautiful, amazing, gifted, awesome young women.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks! And I can attest that Shara's blog is a wonderful read, lots of fun, and so sweet and cute (just like her family!).
