Tuesday, October 9, 2012

   When Jennie was about 18 months old, her Grampa Breece was working on their refrigerator.  She's always been fascinated with how things work and what they look like on the inside.  So she was Grampa's little shadow while he worked.  Finally it came time to put the refrigerator back together.  Grampa couldn't find the screws and nuts and bolts he needed.  He insisted he had carefully placed them all in one spot.  Jennie had lost interest after the job was done and wandered off and he was sure that she must have done something with them.  You don't get much of an explanation if you ask a toddler what they have done with something and she didn't have any pockets (she loved pockets and carrying treasures around). So it was a mystery until Gramma wondered if Jennie had put them inside her one-piece sun suit in place of a pocket.  The mystery was solved when Gramma patted her little bottom and heard the "chink, clink" of metal screws, nut, and bolts.
   Amelia, Darren and Grant were playing in the garage and having a great time.  I thought I'd better check on them and found AJ playing in the tool box.  It so happens she had pockets today and I noticed a definite "chink, clink" when I picked her up.  The picture shows the treasures I found in her pockets.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as they say.