Saturday, June 9, 2012

Campmeeting 2012 Highlights

New hats and flip-flops, ready for fun!

 Lots of interesting things to do in class.

Just dropped Gracie at her class

Gracie's lessons were about the Israelites in Egypt.
She learned to walk like an Egyptian.
Bedtime, all of us in one room..... cozy! 

           The Big Book Sale
Gracie wanted to raise her hand every time they held up a book!

Campmeeting Yummies!!!

Playtime Fun!!!!


Run! Grant, Run!
 Prayer Garden and Fountain

We took some time off and went swimming.
Thanks, Nana and Grampa!!!!

Cool pool time in class

That's Gracie in the middle of the Slip n Slide!

Grant learned how to shower all by himself

All clean!
On our first day at home, Pa and I fixed breakfast in bed for
the Best Kids at Campmeeting!!!!!!