Wednesday, May 26, 2010


You can tell they're special, can't you?
You see why they bring such joy to my life!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Isn't it great when a cousin is a best friend too!


That Curious George is SO interesting!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby,
especially after he cried for 30 minutes!

Friday, May 21, 2010


How long has it been since you took notice of the small wonders in the world around you.  Like pushing a button and watching the big garage door go up or down.  Flip a switch and lights come on.  Flip again and they go off.  On.  Off.  On.  Off.  Amazing.  Finding the moon up in the sky.  The wonder of an airplane overhead.  How does it do that!  Pushing buttons on a little gadget and the TV across the room blares.  Beautiful flowers that smell good and are soft to the touch.  Birds flying.  Squirrels eating acorns outside your window.  We overlook so many amazing things around us until we experience them all new again through the senses of a little child.  Now I see and hear all the wonders around me with my grandchildren.  I know this isn't what it means when reference is made to a second childhood but I almost feel like a child again.  When we grow up and grow old, we forget how the world around is wonderful and miraculous.  We ponder the meaning of life, how to get the bills paid, what catastrophic illness might befall us, on and on.  And then into my world comes this little Gift of Life with tiny hands and feet; soft, sweet-smelling skin; precious arms to wrap around my neck; giggles and baby talk; curiosity and wonder at everything.  Suddenly, there are more important things than finding the answers to life and paying the bills and worrying about illness.  Making the most of however much time I have and in the best way I can with each Little Wonder.  That's what's important now.  This second childhood they talk about might not be so bad if I can spend it with my grandchildren.  Here are my three Little Miracles:

Grace Mae
Born 10/31/2004
Fun-loving and funny, loves to run, loves to help. She's smart and likes to tease and play jokes on you. She's good at puzzles and games. A great big sister to Grant. She works hard and plays hard and is always ready for the next adventure. BEAUTIFUL on the inside and the outside.

Grant Wesley
Born 01/17/2009
Best little ball player you'll ever see! Tender and sensitive with great big crocodile tears when wounded but loves with all his heart. Clever, sweet and good. Shy when he doesn't know you but a real buddy when he gets acquainted. He LOVES to be OUTSIDE and golf cart rides are always a big hit.

Darren Conrad
Born 12/27/2008
Intelligent and a THINKER. Loves cars and trucks, dogs and computers. Quite the explorer. Finds creative and unique places to put objects which makes life interesting. Affectionate and sweet, very friendly but is more comfortable if people and things are predictable. Easy going and laid back most of the time.

I am so blessed to know these three Little Miracles.  Every day I thank the Lord for them and their remarkable, wonderful parents who bring joy and laughter and purpose to my life.